add a printer in your printer.cfg file. and add service: define service{ use generic-service host_name HOOFDBUREEL

How to use Raspberry Pi to monitor network? (Nagios Nagios is a web interface, so we need to install Apache and PHP. sudo apt install apache2 libapache2-mod-php. Then there are two things we need to download and install: Nagios Core: It’s the main part of the Nagios system; Nagios Plugins: This will add basic check commands to Nagios, so you’ll not have to create all the scripts yourself Nagios XI Ports and Protocols • While there are a set of basic default ports for Nagios XI, keep in mind that Nagios XI is highly configurable, and an administrator may use non-default ports should they so choose. • There are thousands of community-provided Nagios plugins which may use any port to send or receive Nagios Tutorial For IT Monitoring | Install And Configure

The Nagios Community is a rich, worldwide ecosystem of individuals and companies that have organized themselves around a focus on Nagios. There are an estimated 250,000 Nagios users worldwide. Nagios Community members participate by promoting, supporting, and enhancing Nagios with:

NaWui stands for Nagios Administration Web User Interface. It is a Web frontend written in PHP to manage Nagios configurations and Database records. Database connectivity is supported using plugins, which simplifies the way records are stored.

Nagios is a web interface, so we need to install Apache and PHP. sudo apt install apache2 libapache2-mod-php. Then there are two things we need to download and install: Nagios Core: It’s the main part of the Nagios system; Nagios Plugins: This will add basic check commands to Nagios, so you’ll not have to create all the scripts yourself

Jun 10, 2010 · I need help in understanding how to make the connection between the Nagios Host server and a remote Client machine such that the output from the execution of a 3rd party plugin (shell script that conforms to Nagios guidelines & I’ve used it successfully before) is reported on the Service Status page at the Host server. Support Forum - Problems, comments, etc, should be directed to the support forum. Knowledgebase - Articles about setup, configuration, and common use cases. Library - Videos, tutorials, and updates. Nagios Website - Nagios product website